Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX)
ALEX is a network that is available to teachers who need help finding and making lesson plans, finding what is expected of each grade level and subject, and communicating with teachers all around the world to find new ways to help our students.
1. Their is a link for Lesson Plans and is will take you to a page where you can create your own lesson plans or look at other teacher's and draw ideas from that. It is separated in to subject and then grade. It is easy, fun, and extremely helpful to teachers of any subject and grade level.
2. Next there is a tab for Course of Study and this tab takes you first to all of the different subjects and then once you click on a subject it takes you to grade levels and then you select the grade you want to look at and presto. It takes you to a list of objectives and requirements for that class for that grade level so that you know what they are suppose to be learning for that year and that subject.
3.If you click on ALEXville it will take you to a picture of a globe that is surrounded by houses and depending on what you click, it will take you to a ton of different websites and choices of educational paths and you can explore for days to see what all is offered in this ALEXville.
I believe that ALEX will be very helpful when I begin teaching because being a new teacher it will be very helpful to know what my grade level of students need to be learning and doing at what point during the year and when I do lesson plans it will be nice to have someone with experience to look at and get and help generate ideas from for my students. Also them many tools available here will help me solve any problem them may come up.
Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide (ACCESS)
This website is for Alabama high school students who want to further their education by either finding a class they want to take that is not offered at their high school, finding and obtaining an alternative degree plan online, or finding test prep or review exams to help pass AP classes, ACT tests and college prep. This website seems like it is directly geared towards getting alabama students brought into the 21st century and being able to compete for good colleges and winning. This website offers many great learning opportunities for any and all Alabama high school students.
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