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I am in love with Shaffer(my fiance) and we have been together for almost 5 years. I love to hang with my friends and just act crazy. I love being surrounded by wonderful family and friends.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Project # 6- Questionnaire Results

This was a questionnaire that I sent out about SMART Boards and blogging in our educational system.
These are the questions and results of that questionnaire:

1. In any of your classes in elementary school, did your teacher ever use a SMART Board?

0- Said "Yes, K-2nd Grade"
0- Said "Yes, 2nd- 4th Grade"
0- Said "Yes, 4th- 6th Grade"
21- Said "No"

2. Did you have a blog in elementary school or even know what a blog was?

0- Said " Yes, I had a blog"
1- Said " Yes, I knew what a blog was but did not have one"
20- Said "No, I had no idea what a blog was in elementary school"

3. Did any of your middle school teachers use a SMART Board?

1- Said "Yes"
20- Said "No"

4. Did you use blogging in middle school?

0- Said "yes"
21- Said "no"

5. In any of your high school classrooms, did your teachers use a SMART Board?

0- Said "Yes, All of them"
3- Said "Yes, Math"
1- Said "Yes, English"
0- Said "Yes, Science"
0- Said "Yes, History"
4- Said "Yes, An Elective Class"
15- Said "No, None of my classes had SMART Boards"

6. Did you use blogging for assignment in high school?( on a scale from 0(Never)- 5(Always))

21- Said "0"
0- Said "1"
0- Said "2"
0- Said "3"
0- Said "4"
0- Said "5"

7. Did you know what blogging was before you got into Dr. Strange's Class?

15- Said "Yes"
6- Said "No"

8. Do you wish this class had been offered to you sooner?

2- Said "Yes, middle school at least"
8- Said "Yes, high school"
2- Said "Yes, first year of college"
9- Said "No, now is good"

9. How would you rate technology in the classroom? (on a scale from 1(Non- existent)- 5(too much))

1- Said "1"
7- Said "2"
11- Said "3"
2- Said "4"
0- Said "5"

10. Do you feel that we should be teaching students to use technology while they are learning their core classes?

21- Said "Yes"
0- Said "No"

11. Which of these do you feel would benefit younger students to know about?

12- Said "Google"
10- Said "Google Squared"
3- Said "Google Chrome"
2- Said "Safari"
10- Said "Wolfram Alpha"
3- Said "iTunes"
5- Said "Audacity"
3- Said "Drop Box"
0- Said "Wall Wisher"
6- Said "All of the Above"

12. Are you satisfied with the amount of technology you were offered in your academic career?

1- Said "Yes, I had everything"
13- Said "Kind of, it could have been better"
7- Said "No, I had no technology classes offered to me"

Looking at the results of the questionnaire, you can see that although our school system is getting somewhat better at introducing students to technology sooner, it is still lacking. Almost no one had seen a SMART Board or knew what a blog was in elementary school and most only learn nearer to high school. This class I believe is crucial to the development of giving our students the tools they need to survive in the technological age and if this class or a similar version was offered sooner then maybe it would not be such a struggle for those of us who did not even know what a blog was before entering Dr. Strange's Class. I believe the data speaks for itself.

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