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I am in love with Shaffer(my fiance) and we have been together for almost 5 years. I love to hang with my friends and just act crazy. I love being surrounded by wonderful family and friends.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Comments for Kids 3-7

C4K #3
        For this assignment the class was from Pt. England School in Auckland, N.Z. For this C4K I was assigned a group of students instead of just one. Their post was entitled, "Diggin' Up Loot" and it was a short excerpt for a pirate story they were working on together about a hunt for buried treasure. The student's who wrote it were: Ashlee, Frankie, Isara, Jonita, Kaylee, and Robert. I told them that I thought they did a great job and that I could not wait for them to post the rest of the story.

      In this C4K, I read a student named Ryan's blog and came across his post about skate boarding. I he said that he love to skate board and really like the skate park down the road. I told him that I use to skate board and I knew how hard it was so to keep up the good work. He thought it was really cool that a girl could skate board.

        This assignment was for Mrs. W's class in Australia and was for a student named Lucy. In one of her post she mentioned that her class had been watching the movie 'Cars" and that they had been talking about friendship, since that was the main idea of the movie. She mentioned that to be her friend you would have to be: kind, loyal, and have a good sense of humor. I told her that those are great qualities to look for in a friend and that I knew me and her would be good friends because that is also what I look for in a friend.

        In this post we were responding to students post in Mr. Goerend and Mrs. Quam's classes. I commented on Caitlin C.'s Blog on her post called, "My Awesome Blog". IN this post she describes a scary creature who has slimy gray skin, no eyes, and walks like a bear. She ends the excerpt with her looking out of her window and the night was "peaceful". I told her that she could really turn this into a great scary story and to keep up the great writing.

        This assignment was for Mrs. Gilbert's 5th Grade class and the student I commented on was Daniel. The post of his that I loved the most was his "Red Ribbon Week" post. He talked about how his school was discussing how to stay off of drugs and he said that he was pledging to never take any drugs for all of his life. I told him that was great and that the only things drugs do is kill your brain and harm your body. I also encouraged him to keep up the good work.

These were just 5 of the great C4K's I got to comment on. There are a lot of great kids all over the world and I hope to keep in touch with all if them as they continue to go through school.

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